Creative Cake's Kitchen

Creative Cake's Kitchen Surabaya - Only Made by Order with Fresh & Best Quality Ingredients - [031-70758648 | 081-6530843]

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Terang Bulan

Recipe modified by Monica (
I got the original recipe from Evi (Friend I meet at one of my cooking class)

Rasa dan tekstur gak kalah dengan Terang Bulan Holland yg terkenal di Surabaya.

2 btr Telur
450 gr Air
350 gr Terigu
75 gr Gula pasir
25 gr Susu bubuk
5 gr Garam
1 gr Vanili bubuk
50 gr Minyak sayur
5 gr Baking soda

Filling sesuai selera: Mesyes, Kacang tanah, Wijen, SKM, Keju

Cara membuat:
- Kocok lepas telur, masukkan air dan aduk hingga berbuih.
- Masukkan bahan kering, kocok hingga semua larut.
- Masukkan vanili dan minyak sayur. Aduk rata.
- Tuang ke dalam cetakan terang bulan yg telah dipanasi.
- Bakar hingga permukaan berpori2. Taburi gula. Tutup hingga matang.
- Angkat dan oles dengan butter, taburi bahan filling.
- Lipat dan oles atasnya dengan butter. Potong2 dan sajikan.

Requested by Dizzy, this is the English version:
:"> please excuse my bad, messy english

2 Eggs
450 gr Water
350 gr Flour
75 gr Sugar
25 gr Milk powder
5 gr Salt
1 gr Vanilli powder
50 gr Salad oil
5 gr Baking soda

Filling: Chocolate rice/Chocolate meises, Peanut , Sesame, Condensed milk, Cheese

- Whisk the eggs, pour the water and keep stirring until it makes bubble.
- Fold in flour, sugar, milk powder, salt and baking soda until the ingredients are combined.
- Stir through vanilli and salad oil.
- Pour into terang bulan's fry pan which already been warmed. (It makes 5 pcs @ 20 cm)
- Cook it until the surface become pores. Dust it with sugar. Cover the pan until well done.
- Put it on working table, spread with butter and dust with filling.
- Fold in half, spread the surface with butter. Slice & serve.
